API Integration Documentation

Table of Contents


The LEMAN Connect API allows you to integrate your system and communicate with LEMANs various services. API integration is a fast and secure alternative to the traditional EDI connectivity, and allow direct access to many features such as:

  • Submit a new booking

  • Submit a new booking and retrieve a label

  • Request a label for a specific booking

  • Create and update purchase orders

  • Check system version

An API solution also provides better feedback on data transmissions, and makes it possible to interact with LEMAN 24/7.
On this site you can find documentation on LEMAN’s Connect API, it’s features available in the api and how to integrate. The LEMAN Connect API currently provides the following features:

To create a booking the exact packaging and ready/pickup date is required. Orders contain a list of articles/products, but the packaging and ready date is provided by the supplier.


To access the LEMAN Connect API you need an ApiKey, which is issued by LEMAN and is linked to your LEMAN customer account number. The ApiKey also determines which endpoints is available, which means that not all endpoints in this documentation will necessarily be available for your account.

This ApiKey must be added to the header of every request you make to LEMAN WebAPI – e.g.

headers: {"ApiKey": "[APIKEY-FROM-LEMAN]"}

When transmitting certain data models you will also need to use your customer number. This data is used to verify that consignments are only available to the correct parties.

Contact LEMAN to obtain your customer number and ApiKey.

Base URL

You will find the endpoints on these base URLs:


Base URL



Base URL







Not available.


Latest endpoint versions